Hitler & the Nazis
PANZERS FORWARD: A Photo History of German Armor in World War IIPaperbound$5.95 $29.95
CAPTURING EICHMANN: The Memoir of a Mossad SpymasterHardbound$5.95 $34.95
GERMAN ANTI-PARTISAN WARFARE IN EUROPE 1939-1945Hardbound$9.95 $29.95
TARGET AMERICA: Hitler's Plan to Attack the United StatesPaperbound$4.95 $19.95
RETREAT FROM LENINGRAD: Army Group North 1944/1945Hardbound$7.95 $24.95
HITLER'S FORGOTTEN NAZIS: Foreign Soldiers of the Third ReichDVD$5.95 $19.98
ESCAPING HITLER'S BUNKER: The Fate of the Third Reich's LeadersHardbound$7.95 $34.95
THE CAMP MEN: The SS Officers Who Ran the Nazi Concentration Camp SystemHardbound$21.95 $59.95
HITLER'S BOY SOLDIERS: How My Father's Generation Was Trained to Kill and Sent to Die for GermanyHardbound$5.95 $27.95
STAUFFENBERG: Symbol of Resistance--The Man Who Almost Killed HitlerHardbound$6.95 $39.95
V1: The Flying BombPaperbound$5.95 $14.99
THE DEATH OF HITLER'S WAR MACHINE: The Final Destruction of the WehrmachtHardbound$4.95 $29.99
GERMAN ARTILLERY IN WORLD WAR II, 1939-1945Hardbound$7.95 $24.95
THE PANZER KILLERS: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third ReichPaperbound$6.95 $18.00
HITLER'S ENFORCERS: Leaders of the German War Machine 1933-1945Paperbound$2.95
THE NUREMBERG TRIALS: Bringing the Leaders of Nazi Germany to JusticePaperbound$6.95
EICHMANN BEFORE JERUSALEM: The Unexamined Life of a Mass MurdererPaperbound$7.95
HITLER'S LAST DAY: The Final Hours of the FuhrerPaperbound$5.95 $9.99
HITLER'S SECRET WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: The Nazi Plan for Final VictoryPaperbound$4.95 $9.99
UKRAINIANS IN THE WAFFEN-SSHardbound$9.95 $29.99
THE GOOD ASSASSIN: How a Mossad Agent and a Band of Survivors Hunted Down the Butcher of LatviaPaperbound$4.95 $17.99
AN EAGLE'S ODYSSEY: My Decade as a Pilot in Hitler's LuftwaffeHardbound$7.95 $32.95
MOUNTAIN TROOPS OF THE WAFFEN-SS 1941-1945Hardbound$7.95 $24.95
HITLER'S KEY ORGANIZATIONS: Hitler and the NazisDVD$5.95
THE HUNT FOR HITLER'S WARSHIPHardbound$5.95 $27.95
THE HITLER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS: The Plots, Places and People that Almost Changed HistoryHardbound$6.95 $34.95
THE THIRD REICH: Facts, Figures, and Data for Hitler's Nazi Regime, 1933-45Paperbound$9.95 $29.95
KURSK: The Greatest Tank Battle, 5-16 July 1943Hardbound$9.95 $24.95
DEFYING HITLER: The Germans Who Resisted Nazi RuleHardbound$9.95 $30.00
"PROMISE ME YOU'LL SHOOT YOURSELF": The Mass Suicide of Ordinary Germans in 1945Hardbound$9.95 $29.00
THE NAZIS AND THE OCCULT: The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third ReichPaperbound$5.95
HITLER'S STOLEN CHILDREN: The Shocking True Story of the Nazi Kidnapping ConspiracyPaperbound$5.95
HIMMLER AND THE SS: Hitler and the NazisDVD$5.95
THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP: A Memoir of the Nazi Counterfeiting OperationPaperbound$5.95 $26.95
FUEHRER CONFERENCES ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, 1939-1945Paperbound$5.95 $34.95
CONCENTRATED EVIL: Hitler and the NazisDVD$5.95
HITLER'S PANZERS: The Complete History 1933-1945Hardbound$7.95 $34.95
WAFFEN-SS: Hitler's Elite in PhotographsPaperbound$9.95 $29.95
HITLER'S LOVE & DEMISE: Hitler and the NazisDVD$5.95
OPERATION TYPHOON: The German Assault on Moscow, 1941Paperbound$6.95 $24.95
A LUFTWAFFE BOMBER PILOT REMEMBERS: World War II from the CockpitHardbound$9.95 $29.95
LUFTWAFFE OVER AMERICA: The Secret Plans to Bomb the United States in World War IIPaperbound$5.95 $19.95
SS-HEIMWEHR DANZIG IN POLAND 1939Hardbound$9.95 $29.95
STALINGRAD: The Vital 7 DaysHardbound$17.95 $24.95
NIGHT OF THE ASSASSINS: The Untold Story of Hitler's Plot to Kill FDR, Churchill, and StalinHardbound$5.95 $29.99
HITLER'S NORTHERN UTOPIA: Building the New Order in Occupied NorwayHardboundPrice cut to $5.95 $29.95
COMMANDANT OF AUSCHWITZ: The Autobiography of Rudolf HoessPaperbound$7.95 $17.99
THE FALL OF BERLIN: The Final Days of Hitler's Evil RegimePaperbound$9.95 $12.99
THE NAZI CONSPIRACY: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and ChurchillPaperbound$5.95 $19.99
EASTERN FRONT IN WORLD WAR II: Hitler's Russian War in PhotographsPaperbound$9.95 $29.95
TARGET ROMMEL: The Allied Attempts to Assassinate Hitler's GeneralHardbound$6.95 $34.95
HITLER'S GREAT GAMBLE: A New Look at German Strategy, Operation Barbarossa, and the Axis Defeat in World War IIHardbound$7.95 $34.95
THE DEATH OF HITLER: What Really HappenedHardbound$6.95 $27.99
THE HIDDEN NAZI: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the DevilPaperbound$6.95 $16.99
THE PANZER KILLERS: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third ReichHardbound$9.95 $30.00
HITLER'S WAR BENEATH THE WAVES: The Menace of the U-BoatsPaperbound$5.95 $12.99
THE HITLER YEARS, VOLUME 2: Disaster, 1940-1945Hardbound$11.95 $39.99
HITLER'S AMERICAN GAMBLE: Pearl Harbor and Germany's March to Global WarHardboundPrice cut to $7.95 $35.00
THE 88MM FLAKPaperbound$5.95 $9.95
U-BOAT: The German Submarine Campaign and the Allied Counter-Attack, 1939-1945Paperbound$9.95 $29.95
THE NAZI CONSPIRACY: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and ChurchillHardbound$6.95 $29.99
THE REAL ODESSA: How Nazi War Criminals Escaped EuropePaperbound$12.95 $17.60
FALLSCHIRMJAGER: German Paratroopers 1942-1945Paperbound$5.95 $24.95
PRELUDE TO CATASTROPHE: FDR's Jews and the Menace of NazismHardbound$5.95 $27.95
HITLER'S EXECUTIONERHardbound$6.95 $32.95
PRISONERS OF THE CASTLE: An Epic Story of Survival and Escape from Colditz, the Nazis' Fortress PrisonHardbound$7.95 $28.99
ERICH RAEDER: Admiral of the Third ReichPaperbound$5.95 $24.95
COMMANDERS OF AUSCHWITZ: The SS Officers Who Ran the Largest Nazi Concentration Camp 1940-1945Hardbound$22.95 $59.95
NAZI WIVES: The Women at the Top of Hitler's GermanyHardboundPrice cut to $5.95 $28.99
ALL AT WAR: Photography by German Soldiers 1939-45Hardbound$19.95 $50.00
THE PLOTS TO KILL HITLER: The Men and Women Who Tried to Change HistoryPaperbound$5.95 $9.99
RUSSIANS IN THE WAFFEN-SSHardbound$9.95 $29.99
PANZER: The Illustrated History of German Armour in WWIIPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $29.95
THE WAFFEN-SS IN NORMANDY: June 1944, the Caen SectorPaperboundPrice cut to $5.95 $24.95
THE EASTERN FRONT: Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, Bagration, BerlinPaperbound$11.95 $34.95
HITLER'S LAST PLOT: The 139 VIP Hostages Selected for Death in the Final Days of World War IIHardbound$5.95 $28.00
CAVALRY OF THE WEHRMACHT, 1941-1945Hardbound$9.95 $29.95
AT HITLER'S SIDE: The Memoirs of Hitler's Luftwaffe Adjutant 1937-1945Paperbound$17.95 $22.95
SS: Hell on the Western FrontPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $29.95
HITLER'S CRIME FIGHTER: The Extraordinary Life of Konrad MorgenHardbound$21.95 $29.95
THE NAZI DEATH CAMPS: Then and NowHardbound$69.95 $89.95
GERMAN NAVAL GUNS, 1939-1945HardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $67.95
HITLER'S STORM TROOPERS: A History of the SAHardbound$9.95 $32.95
ARTISTS UNDER HITLER: Collaboration and Survival in Nazi GermanyHardboundPrice cut to $4.95 $40.00
THE TRIAL OF ADOLF HITLER: The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi GermanyHardboundPrice cut to $3.95 $27.95
HERMANN AND ALBERT GOERING: The Nazi and the RenegadePaperbound$18.95 $22.95
THE MATRYOSHKA MEMOIRS: A Story of Ukrainian Forced Labour, the Leica Camera Factory, and Nazi ResistancePaperbound$11.95 $18.95
HEINRICH HIMMLER: A Detailed History of His Offices, Commands, and Organizations in Nazi GermanyHardboundPrice cut to $11.95 $49.99
ROMMEL IN HIS OWN WORDSPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $29.95
HITLER AT HINTERSEE: Gerhard Bartels-The Boy in the PhotographHardbound$32.95 $42.95
WOLF'S LAIR: Inside Hitler's East Prussian HQPaperbound$14.95 $21.99
WEAPONS OF DESPERATION: German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of World War IIPaperboundPrice cut to $3.95 $23.95
SS: Roll of InfamyPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $29.95
CRACKING THE NAZI CODE: The Untold Story of Agent A12 and the Solving of the Holocaust CodeHardboundPrice cut to $14.95 $29.95